Workspace Diagnostics

By default, the editor performs diagnostic only on opened documents. In order to check the entire workspace quickly, change the php.problems.scope setting.

Note, analysis of entire workspace is a PREMIUM feature.

php.problems.scope setting

By default, static analysis reports all problems found in any document that is opened ("opened" setting value). It can be configured to analyze nothing ("none"), opened files ("opened"), or even the entire workspace almost instantaneously ("all"). Details for the possible settings are:


  • "php.problems.scope": "none": No analysis is performed. Note, this also disables unused use check, unreachable code checks, some code actions, and others.
  • "php.problems.scope": "opened": Only PHP documents opened in the editor are checked for problems. Note, parse errors are still reported in all files across the entire workspace.
  • "php.problems.scope": "all": Enables problems analysis across the entire workspace. Note, /vendor/ is not analysed.


"php.problems.scope" : "all"

See Also