Code Styles

Code styles are predefined sets of rules that define how the code is formatted. It serves as a base set of rules, which can be further adjusted using custom formatting rules, or .editorconfig.

By default, the base set of rules comply with PSR-12.




class MyClass

    var $array = [
        'key' => 1,
        'another_key' => 2,
        'last_key' => 3,

    public function foo(string $text, $optional = null)
        if ($optional !== false) {
            echo $optional;
        } else {
            echo $text;

Changed Settings:

Setting Description Value
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForFunctions Open brace on a new line for functions true
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForLambdas Open brace on a new line for lambda functions false
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForAnonymousClasses Open brace on a new line for anonymous classes false
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForTypes Open brace on a new line for types true
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForNamespaces Open brace on a new line for namespaces false
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForBlocks Open brace on a new line for blocks false
php.format.rules.elseOnNewLine else on a new line false
php.format.rules.catchOnNewLine catch on a new line false
php.format.rules.finallyOnNewLine finally on a new line false
php.format.rules.spaceAfterCast Space after cast true




class MyClass {

    var $array = [ 
        'key' => 1,
        'another_key' => 2,
        'last_key' => 3,

    public function foo( string $text, $optional = null ) {
        if ( $optional !== false ) {
            echo $optional;
        } else {
            echo $text;

Changed Settings:

Setting Description Value
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForFunctions Open brace on a new line for functions false
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForLambdas Open brace on a new line for lambda functions false
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForAnonymousClasses Open brace on a new line for anonymous classes false
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForTypes Open brace on a new line for types false
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForNamespaces Open brace on a new line for namespaces false
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForBlocks Open brace on a new line for blocks false
php.format.rules.elseOnNewLine else on a new line false
php.format.rules.catchOnNewLine catch on a new line false
php.format.rules.finallyOnNewLine finally on a new line false
php.format.rules.spaceAfterCast Space after cast true
php.format.rules.spaceWithinCallParens Space within call parentheses true
php.format.rules.spaceWithinDeclParens Space within declaration parentheses true
php.format.rules.spaceWithinArrayInitilizersParens Space within array initializer parentheses true
php.format.rules.spaceWithinIfParens Space within if parentheses true
php.format.rules.spaceWithinWhileParens Space within while parentheses true
php.format.rules.spaceWithinForParens Space within for parentheses true
php.format.rules.spaceWithinForeachParens Space within foreach parentheses true
php.format.rules.spaceWithinSwitchParens Space within switch parentheses true
php.format.rules.spaceWithinBrackets Space within brackets [] false
php.format.rules.spaceWithinBracketsAroundExpression Space within brackets [] around expression true
php.format.rules.spaceWithinExpressionParens Space within parentheses around expression true
php.format.rules.spaceAfterUnaryNot Space after unary not ! true
php.format.rules.spaceAroundConcatenation Space around concatenation . true
php.format.rules.spaceBeforeColonInControlStatements Space before colon : in control flow statements true




class MyClass

    var $array = [
        'key' => 1,
        'another_key' => 2,
        'last_key' => 3,

    public function foo(string $text, $optional = null)
        if ($optional !== false)
            echo $optional;
            echo $text;

Changed Settings:

Setting Description Value
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForFunctions Open brace on a new line for functions true
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForLambdas Open brace on a new line for lambda functions true
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForAnonymousClasses Open brace on a new line for anonymous classes true
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForTypes Open brace on a new line for types true
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForNamespaces Open brace on a new line for namespaces true
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForBlocks Open brace on a new line for blocks true
php.format.rules.elseOnNewLine else on a new line true
php.format.rules.catchOnNewLine catch on a new line true
php.format.rules.finallyOnNewLine finally on a new line true
php.format.rules.spaceAfterCast Space after cast true




class MyClass {

    var $array = [
        'key' => 1,
        'another_key' => 2,
        'last_key' => 3,

    public function foo(string $text, $optional = null) {
        if ($optional !== false) {
            echo $optional;
        } else {
            echo $text;

Changed Settings:

Setting Description Value
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForFunctions Open brace on a new line for functions false
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForLambdas Open brace on a new line for lambda functions false
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForTypes Open brace on a new line for types false
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForNamespaces Open brace on a new line for namespaces false
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForBlocks Open brace on a new line for blocks false
php.format.rules.elseOnNewLine else on a new line false
php.format.rules.catchOnNewLine catch on a new line false
php.format.rules.finallyOnNewLine finally on a new line false
php.format.rules.spaceAfterCast Space after cast true




class MyClass

    var $array = [
        'key' => 1,
        'another_key' => 2,
        'last_key' => 3,

    public function foo(string $text, $optional = null)
        if ($optional !== false) {
            echo $optional;
        } else {
            echo $text;

Changed Settings:

Setting Description Value
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForFunctions Open brace on a new line for functions true
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForLambdas Open brace on a new line for lambda functions false
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForAnonymousClasses Open brace on a new line for anonymous classes false
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForTypes Open brace on a new line for types true
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForNamespaces Open brace on a new line for namespaces false
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForBlocks Open brace on a new line for blocks false
php.format.rules.elseOnNewLine else on a new line false
php.format.rules.catchOnNewLine catch on a new line false
php.format.rules.finallyOnNewLine finally on a new line false
php.format.rules.spaceAfterCast Space after cast true
php.format.rules.arrayInitializersWrap Wrap onEveryItem
php.format.rules.arrayInitializersNewLineBeforeFirstElement New line before first element true
php.format.rules.arrayInitializersNewLineAfterLastElement New line after last element true
php.format.rules.callParametersWrap Wrap onEveryItem
php.format.rules.callParametersNewLineAfterLeftParen New line after ( true
php.format.rules.callParametersNewLineBeforeRightParen New line before ) true
php.format.rules.declParametersWrap Wrap onEveryItem
php.format.rules.declParametersNewLineAfterLeftParen New line after ( true
php.format.rules.declParametersNewLineBeforeRightParen New line before ) true
php.format.rules.whileStatementNewLineAfterLeftParen New line after ( true
php.format.rules.whileStatementNewLineBeforeRightParen New line before ) true
php.format.rules.forStatementWrap Wrap onEveryItem
php.format.rules.forStatementNewLineAfterLeftParen New line after ( true
php.format.rules.forStatementNewLineBeforeRightParen New line before ) true
php.format.rules.ifStatementNewLineAfterLeftParen New line after ( true
php.format.rules.ifStatementNewLineBeforeRightParen New line before ) true
php.format.rules.implementsListWrap Wrap onEveryItem
php.format.rules.newLineAfterImplements New line after implements true
php.format.rules.switchStatementNewLineAfterLeftParen New line after ( true
php.format.rules.switchStatementNewLineBeforeRightParen New line before ) true
php.format.rules.groupUseWrap Wrap onEveryItem
php.format.rules.groupUseNewLineBeforeFirstDeclaration New line before first group use declaration true
php.format.rules.removeReduntandClosingTag Remove Redundant Closing Tag true




class MyClass

    var $array = [
        'key' => 1,
        'another_key' => 2,
        'last_key' => 3,

    public function foo(string $text, $optional = null)
        if ($optional !== false) {
            echo $optional;
        } else {
            echo $text;

Changed Settings:

Setting Description Value
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForFunctions Open brace on a new line for functions true
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForLambdas Open brace on a new line for lambda functions false
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForAnonymousClasses Open brace on a new line for anonymous classes false
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForTypes Open brace on a new line for types true
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForNamespaces Open brace on a new line for namespaces false
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForBlocks Open brace on a new line for blocks false
php.format.rules.elseOnNewLine else on a new line false
php.format.rules.catchOnNewLine catch on a new line false
php.format.rules.finallyOnNewLine finally on a new line false
php.format.rules.spaceAfterCast Space after cast true
php.format.rules.spaceAfterUnaryNot Space after unary not ! true
php.format.rules.spaceBeforeParenthesesInArrowFunctions Space before parentheses in arrow functions true
php.format.rules.spaceBeforeColonInControlStatements Space before colon : in control flow statements true
php.format.rules.spaceBeforeColonInReturnType Space before colon : in return type true




class MyClass {

  var $array = [
    'key' => 1,
    'another_key' => 2,
    'last_key' => 3,

  public function foo(string $text, $optional = NULL) {
    if ($optional !== FALSE) {
      echo $optional;
    else {
      echo $text;

Changed Settings:

Setting Description Value
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForFunctions Open brace on a new line for functions false
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForLambdas Open brace on a new line for lambda functions false
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForAnonymousClasses Open brace on a new line for anonymous classes false
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForTypes Open brace on a new line for types false
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForNamespaces Open brace on a new line for namespaces false
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForBlocks Open brace on a new line for blocks false
php.format.rules.elseOnNewLine else on a new line true
php.format.rules.catchOnNewLine catch on a new line true
php.format.rules.finallyOnNewLine finally on a new line true
php.format.rules.endWithNewLine Insert final newline true
php.format.rules.spaceAfterCast Space after cast true
php.format.rules.booleanConstantCasing Boolean constant casing uppercase
php.format.rules.nullConstantCasing Null constant casing uppercase




class MyClass

    var $array = [
        'key' => 1,
        'another_key' => 2,
        'last_key' => 3,

    public function foo(string $text, $optional = null)
        if ($optional !== false)
            echo $optional;
            echo $text;

Changed Settings:

Setting Description Value
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForFunctions Open brace on a new line for functions true
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForLambdas Open brace on a new line for lambda functions false
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForAnonymousClasses Open brace on a new line for anonymous classes false
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForTypes Open brace on a new line for types true
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForNamespaces Open brace on a new line for namespaces false
php.format.rules.openBraceOnNewLineForBlocks Open brace on a new line for blocks true
php.format.rules.elseOnNewLine else on a new line true
php.format.rules.catchOnNewLine catch on a new line true
php.format.rules.finallyOnNewLine finally on a new line true
php.format.rules.spaceAfterCast Space after cast true
php.format.rules.arrayInitializersWrap Wrap onEveryItem
php.format.rules.arrayInitializersNewLineBeforeFirstElement New line before first element true
php.format.rules.arrayInitializersNewLineAfterLastElement New line after last element true
php.format.rules.callParametersWrap Wrap onEveryItem
php.format.rules.callParametersNewLineAfterLeftParen New line after ( true
php.format.rules.callParametersNewLineBeforeRightParen New line before ) true
php.format.rules.declParametersWrap Wrap onEveryItem
php.format.rules.declParametersNewLineAfterLeftParen New line after ( true
php.format.rules.declParametersNewLineBeforeRightParen New line before ) true
php.format.rules.whileStatementNewLineAfterLeftParen New line after ( true
php.format.rules.whileStatementNewLineBeforeRightParen New line before ) true
php.format.rules.forStatementWrap Wrap onEveryItem
php.format.rules.forStatementNewLineAfterLeftParen New line after ( true
php.format.rules.forStatementNewLineBeforeRightParen New line before ) true
php.format.rules.ifStatementNewLineAfterLeftParen New line after ( true
php.format.rules.ifStatementNewLineBeforeRightParen New line before ) true
php.format.rules.implementsListWrap Wrap onEveryItem
php.format.rules.newLineAfterImplements New line after implements true
php.format.rules.switchStatementNewLineAfterLeftParen New line after ( true
php.format.rules.switchStatementNewLineBeforeRightParen New line before ) true
php.format.rules.groupUseWrap Wrap onEveryItem
php.format.rules.groupUseNewLineBeforeFirstDeclaration New line before first group use declaration true