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Available settings for adjusting code diagnostics:

  • php.problems.scope - whether to analyze only opened documents, entire workspace, or nothing.
  • php.problems.exclude - allows to exclude files and directories from analysis. Note, vendor is always excluded.
  • php.problems.excludeGitIgnore - whether to implicitly ignore problems in git-ignored files.

Useful related settings:

  • php.stubs - set of stubs, i.e. PHP extensions and known packages, to be treated by IntelliSense and code analysis. Value "*" is a shortcut for all standard extensions.
  • php.workspace.shortOpenTag - how to treat short open tags (<?). By default, the editor decides automatically whether to allow it or not.
  • php.workspace.includePath - additional set of paths to be included for the purposes of IntelliSense and code analysis.

See Also#