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Organize Uses#

Unused use Fix#

Any use, group of use, or a single alias that is not needed in the code is immediately dimmed.

remove unused use

Code action Remove unnecessary 'use' quickly cleanups the block of uses.

Remove and Sort Uses on Save#

To automatically organize uses (remove unused ones and sort the rest), open your settings.json, and add one of the following:

"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "source.organizeImports": "explicit",      // sort uses
    "source.sortImports": "explicit",          // sort uses (same as "source.organizeImports"
    "source.sortAndRemoveImports": "explicit", // removes unused uses and sorts them 

Specify either "explicit" (the action will be called when file is explicitly saved) or "always" (the action will be called whenever the window gets focus).


  • "php.sortUses.caseSensitive": Case sensitive sorting puts upper case letters on top before lower case letters. False by default, so sorting is not case sensitive.