Error Codes#
The following table lists most of the available code diagnostics.
id | title | description |
PHP0171 | MagicMethodMustBePublicNonStatic | |
PHP0172 | CallStatMustBePublicStatic | |
PHP0401 | Array index type mismatch | Index of array must be of type string or integer. |
PHP0402 | Function name type mismatch | Expression must be callable when used as an indirect function call. E.g. $name = "foo"; $name(); // $name should be callable or string |
PHP0404 | Method on non-object | Instance functions can be called only using an object instance. E.g $obj->foo(); // $obj must not be a scalar type or null, it must be an object |
PHP0405 | Not all code paths return | When function is expected to return a value, all code paths have to return and all returns have to return a value. |
PHP0406 | Argument type mismatch | Values supplied to a function call must match its arguments type. |
PHP0407 | Property on non-object | Properties can be accessed only using an object instance. E.g echo $obj->prop; // $obj must be an object |
PHP0408 | Return type mismatch | Values returned from a function must match expected type which is defined in PHPDoc @return tag or other returned values. |
PHP0409 | Scalar used as array | Expressions accessed with [] operator have to be of type array, string or object. |
PHP0410 | Type mismatch | Value has to be assignable to the expected type. |
PHP0411 | Unused label | Defined labels should be used. |
PHP0413 | Unknown class name | Class or interface is unknown. |
PHP0414 | Unknown class constant | Class constant is unknown. |
PHP0415 | Unknown constant | Global constant is unknown. |
PHP0416 | Unknown field use | Property is unknown. |
PHP0417 | Unknown function call | Global function is unknown. |
PHP0418 | Unknown method call | Class function is unknown. |
PHP0419 | Unreachable code | Code won't be called in runtime. |
PHP0420 | Infinite loop | Code contains an infinite loop and the function never exits. |
PHP0421 | Unused variable | Assigned variables should be used. |
PHP0422 | Assignment made to same variable | Assigning a variable to itself has no effect. This may indicate a potentional typo or copy-paste bug. |
PHP0423 | Missing mandatory argument | All mandatory arguments to function call have to be supplied. |
PHP0424 | Object used as array | Object accessed with [] operator has to implement ArrayAccess interface. |
PHP0431 | Division by zero | |
PHP0432 | Implemented type is not an interface | |
PHP0433 | Duplicit case | The case is duplicated within the switch block. |
PHP0434 | Parent class is final | Parent class is declared as final. |
PHP0435 | Method must return string | The method only allows to return string value. |
PHP0436 | MethodMustNotReturnValue | |
PHP0437 | ThisInGlobalCode | |
PHP0438 | NonTraversableUnpacked | |
PHP0439 | PCREPatternError | There is an error in the Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) pattern. |
PHP0440 | Duplicit array key | The key is already used in the array initializer. |
PHP0441 | Arguments when there is no constructor | NewArgsWithNoConstructor |
PHP0442 | EmptyNamespaceDecl | |
PHP0443 | TooManyArgs | |
PHP0444 | InstanceOfTrait | |
PHP0445 | ShouldntBeAssignedByRef | |
PHP1401 | Argument cannot be passed as alias | Only variables can be passed as aliased function argument. |
PHP1408 | VoidAssigned | |
PHP1409 | VoidReturned |
id | title | description |
PHP1008 | InterfaceMethodWithBody | |
PHP1009 | AbstractMethodWithBody | |
PHP1010 | NonAbstractMethodWithoutBody | |
PHP1014 | DestructCannotBeStatic | |
PHP1015 | AbstractPrivateMethodDeclared | |
PHP1024 | ConstructCannotBeStatic | |
PHP1037 | AbstractFinalMethodDeclared | |
PHP1043 | MultipleVisibilityModifiers | |
PHP1045 | MethodCannotTakeArguments | |
PHP1402 | NonExceptionThrown | |
PHP1403 | NonExceptionCatch | |
PHP1404 | NeverReturningReturnsImplicitly | |
PHP1405 | WritingToGlobals | |
PHP1406 | ReferencingGlobals | |
PHP1407 | AbstractMethodInNonabstractClassError | abstract methods can be defined in abstract classes only. |
PHP1412 | Uninitialized variable | Variables has to be assigned before they are used. |
PHP1413 | NonStaticMethodCalledStatically | |
PHP1414 | PrivateMethodDoesNotSatisfyOverride | |
PHP1415 | DuplicitHookName | |
PHP1416 | MemberAccess | |
PHP2407 | MustNotDeclareReturnType | |
PHP2408 | MustTakeExactlyArgs | |
PHP2409 | UnsupportedPropertyType | |
PHP2411 | NotTrait | A class or interface can't be used within the use clausule, only trait is allowed. |
id | title | description |
PHP2000 | TypeRedeclared | |
PHP2001 | FunctionRedeclared | |
PHP2002 | ConstantRedeclared | |
PHP2014 | Syntax error | Source code contains an unexpected token and can't be parsed. |
PHP2070 | ParentAccessedInParentlessClass | |
PHP2401 | New of abstract class | Instantiation of abstract class is not allowed. |
PHP2402 | New of interface | Instantiation of interface is not allowed. |
PHP2403 | Redefined label | Labels can be defined only once. |
PHP2404 | Assignment to $this | Assignment to $this variable is not allowed. |
PHP2405 | Undefined label | Used labels have to be defined. |
PHP2406 | ThisOutsideObject | |
PHP2410 | TraitCreated | |
PHP2412 | ParentTrait | |
PHP2413 | ParentInterface | |
PHP2414 | UnimplementedAbstracts | |
PHP2415 | CtorPropertyInAbstractMember | |
PHP2416 | CtorPropertyNotConstructor | |
PHP2417 | CtorPropertyVariadic | |
PHP2418 | TypeCannotBeNullable | |
PHP2419 | ParameterTypeCannotBeVoid | |
PHP2420 | UnsupportedUnionType | |
PHP2421 | InvalidIterableDefault | |
PHP2422 | UnknownNamedParam | |
PHP2423 | PositionalParamAfterNamed | |
PHP2424 | NamedParamOverwrites | |
PHP2425 | Parameter Type Cannot Be Never | Parameters cannot have type "never", because it does not make any sense. "never" is only applicable as a function return type. |
PHP2426 | NeverReturningReturns | |
PHP2427 | EnumCreated | |
PHP2428 | NeedsArrayIndexForReading | |
PHP2429 | ParameterTypeCannotBeStatic | |
PHP2430 | CannotBeUsedAsIntersectionType | |
PHP2431 | ReadOnlyPropertyMustHaveType | |
PHP2432 | NamespaceMustBeTheOnlyStatement | |
PHP2433 | Field already declared | Field with the same name cannot be declared more than once in the same class |
PHP2434 | BreakWrongContext | |
PHP2435 | InterfaceProperty | |
PHP2436 | Readonly property modified | Assigning or modifying readonly property. |
PHP2437 | OverrideNotSatisfied | |
PHP2438 | OverrideVisibilityMismatch | |
PHP2439 | OverrideMismatch | |
PHP2440 | OverridingFinal |
Compatibility Group#
id | title | description |
PHP6403 | Deprecated construct | Deprecated type, function or constant |
PHP6404 | Not defined in target runtime | There is no definition in current version of your runtime. Update to a version that supports it. |
PHP6405 | Removed | The definition has been removed. Do not use it anymore. |
PHP6406 | UserDeprecated | |
PHP6407 | PHP4-style constructor is deprecated | PHP 4 style constructors (methods that have the same name as the class they are defined in) are deprecated, and will be removed in the future. PHP 7 will emit E_DEPRECATED if a PHP 4 constructor is the only constructor defined within a class. Classes that implement a __construct() method are unaffected. |
PHP6408 | ResourceConstant |
id | title | description |
PHP6402 | Future primitive type | |
PHP6409 | ArrayConstant |
id | title | description |
PHP6401 | Unsupported construct |
PhpDoc Group#
id | title | description |
PHP6501 | PHPDocTagUseInstead | |
PHP6502 | PHPDocTagUseInstead | |
PHP6503 | PHPDocTagUseInstead | |
PHP6504 | PHPDocTypeSuggestion | |
PHP6506 | PHPDocNotFullyQualifiedTypeName | |
PHP6510 | SuggestTagInstead |
id | title | description |
PHP6505 | PHPDocInvalidTypeUsed | |
PHP6507 | MissingVariableName | |
PHP6508 | UnknownParameterName | |
PHP6509 | InvalidExtendsImplementsType |
Outlining Group#
id | title | description |
PHP6550 | #region missing | There is #endregion tag without a starting #region tag. |
PHP6551 | #endregion missing | A #region tag denotating a collapsible block is not closed with a corresponding #endregion . |
Suggestion Group#
id | title | description |
PHP6610 | UnnecessaryReadOnly | |
PHP6611 | WrongModifiersOrder | |
PHP6612 | MissingVisibilityModifier |
id | title | description |
PHP6601 | Name can be simplified | The name can be written in a shorter or simpler form. |
PHP6602 | MagicMethodField | The property will be handled with magic __get or __set function. It may be unintentional, because it is not declared with @property annotation while other properties are. |
PHP6603 | TraitExpectsParent | |
PHP6604 | WrongStringConcat | |
PHP6605 | OverrideIgnoredOnPrivateMethod | |
PHP6606 | ClassConstViaChild | |
PHP6607 | EnumereeUsedAsValue | |
PHP6608 | PseudoConstOutOfContext | |
PHP6613 | TooManyTypesForTypeInferring | This warning is produced when an internal limitation of the type inferring algorithm is reached. This causes code completion and type inferring to be incomplete. To avoid this issue, please break the code into smaller functions. |
id | title | description |
PHP6609 | PsrClassNameMismatch |