Error Codes#
The following table lists most of the available code diagnostics.
id | title | description |
PHP0171 | MagicMethodMustBePublicNonStatic | |
PHP0172 | CallStatMustBePublicStatic | |
PHP0401 | Array index type mismatch | Index of array must be of type string or integer. |
PHP0402 | Function name type mismatch | Expression must be callable when used as an indirect function call. E.g. $name = "foo"; $name(); // $name should be callable or string |
PHP0404 | Method on non-object | Instance functions can be called only using an object instance. E.g $obj->foo(); // $obj must not be a scalar type or null, it must be an object |
PHP0405 | Not all code paths return | When function is expected to return a value, all code paths have to return and all returns have to return a value. |
PHP0406 | Argument type mismatch | Values supplied to a function call must match its arguments type. |
PHP0407 | Property on non-object | Properties can be accessed only using an object instance. E.g echo $obj->prop; // $obj must be an object |
PHP0408 | Return type mismatch | Values returned from a function must match expected type which is defined in PHPDoc @return tag or other returned values. |
PHP0409 | Scalar used as array | Expressions accessed with [] operator have to be of type array, string or object. |
PHP0410 | Type mismatch | Value has to be assignable to the expected type. |
PHP0411 | Unused label | Defined labels should be used. |
PHP0413 | Unknown class name | Class or interface is unknown. |
PHP0414 | Unknown class constant | Class constant is unknown. |
PHP0415 | Unknown constant | Global constant is unknown. |
PHP0416 | Unknown field use | Property is unknown. |
PHP0417 | Unknown function call | Global function is unknown. |
PHP0418 | Unknown method call | Class function is unknown. |
PHP0419 | Unreachable code | Code won't be called in runtime. |
PHP0420 | Infinite loop | Code contains an infinite loop and the function never exits. |
PHP0421 | Unused variable | Assigned variables should be used. |
PHP0422 | Assignment made to same variable | Assigning a variable to itself has no effect. This may indicate a potentional typo or copy-paste bug. |
PHP0423 | Missing mandatory argument | All mandatory arguments to function call have to be supplied. |
PHP0424 | Object used as array | Object accessed with [] operator has to implement ArrayAccess interface. |
PHP0431 | Division by zero | |
PHP0432 | Implemented type is not an interface | |
PHP0433 | Duplicit case | The case is duplicated within the switch block. |
PHP0434 | Parent class is final | Parent class is declared as final. |
PHP0435 | Method must return string | The method only allows to return string value. |
PHP0436 | MethodMustNotReturnValue | |
PHP0437 | ThisInGlobalCode | |
PHP0438 | NonTraversableUnpacked | |
PHP0439 | PCREPatternError | There is an error in the Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) pattern. |
PHP0440 | Duplicit array key | The key is already used in the array initializer. |
PHP0441 | Arguments when there is no constructor | NewArgsWithNoConstructor |
PHP0442 | EmptyNamespaceDecl | |
PHP0443 | TooManyArgs | |
PHP0444 | InstanceOfTrait | |
PHP0445 | ShouldntBeAssignedByRef | |
PHP1401 | Argument cannot be passed as alias | Only variables can be passed as aliased function argument. |
PHP1408 | VoidAssigned | |
PHP1409 | VoidReturned |
id | title | description |
PHP1008 | InterfaceMethodWithBody | |
PHP1009 | AbstractMethodWithBody | |
PHP1010 | NonAbstractMethodWithoutBody | |
PHP1014 | DestructCannotBeStatic | |
PHP1015 | AbstractPrivateMethodDeclared | |
PHP1024 | ConstructCannotBeStatic | |
PHP1037 | AbstractFinalMethodDeclared | |
PHP1043 | MultipleVisibilityModifiers | |
PHP1045 | MethodCannotTakeArguments | |
PHP1402 | NonExceptionThrown | |
PHP1403 | NonExceptionCatch | |
PHP1404 | NeverReturningReturnsImplicitly | |
PHP1405 | WritingToGlobals | |
PHP1406 | ReferencingGlobals | |
PHP1407 | AbstractMethodInNonabstractClassError | abstract methods can be defined in abstract classes only. |
PHP1412 | Uninitialized variable | Variables has to be assigned before they are used. |
PHP1413 | NonStaticMethodCalledStatically | |
PHP1414 | PrivateMethodDoesNotSatisfyOverride | |
PHP1415 | DuplicitHookName | |
PHP1416 | MemberAccess | |
PHP2407 | MustNotDeclareReturnType | |
PHP2408 | MustTakeExactlyArgs | |
PHP2409 | UnsupportedPropertyType | |
PHP2411 | NotTrait | A class or interface can't be used within the use clausule, only trait is allowed. |
id | title | description |
PHP2000 | TypeRedeclared | |
PHP2001 | FunctionRedeclared | |
PHP2002 | ConstantRedeclared | |
PHP2014 | Syntax error | Source code contains an unexpected token and can't be parsed. |
PHP2070 | ParentAccessedInParentlessClass | |
PHP2401 | New of abstract class | Instantiation of abstract class is not allowed. |
PHP2402 | New of interface | Instantiation of interface is not allowed. |
PHP2403 | Redefined label | Labels can be defined only once. |
PHP2404 | Assignment to $this | Assignment to $this variable is not allowed. |
PHP2405 | Undefined label | Used labels have to be defined. |
PHP2406 | ThisOutsideObject | |
PHP2410 | TraitCreated | |
PHP2412 | ParentTrait | |
PHP2413 | ParentInterface | |
PHP2414 | UnimplementedAbstracts | |
PHP2415 | CtorPropertyInAbstractMember | |
PHP2416 | CtorPropertyNotConstructor | |
PHP2417 | CtorPropertyVariadic | |
PHP2418 | TypeCannotBeNullable | |
PHP2419 | ParameterTypeCannotBeVoid | |
PHP2420 | UnsupportedUnionType | |
PHP2421 | InvalidIterableDefault | |
PHP2422 | UnknownNamedParam | |
PHP2423 | PositionalParamAfterNamed | |
PHP2424 | NamedParamOverwrites | |
PHP2425 | Parameter Type Cannot Be Never | Parameters cannot have type "never", because it does not make any sense. "never" is only applicable as a function return type. |
PHP2426 | NeverReturningReturns | |
PHP2427 | EnumCreated | |
PHP2428 | NeedsArrayIndexForReading | |
PHP2429 | ParameterTypeCannotBeStatic | |
PHP2430 | CannotBeUsedAsIntersectionType | |
PHP2431 | ReadOnlyPropertyMustHaveType | |
PHP2432 | NamespaceMustBeTheOnlyStatement | |
PHP2433 | Field already declared | Field with the same name cannot be declared more than once in the same class |
PHP2434 | BreakWrongContext | |
PHP2435 | InterfaceProperty | |
PHP2436 | Readonly property modified | Assigning or modifying readonly property. |
PHP2437 | OverrideNotSatisfied | |
PHP2438 | OverrideVisibilityMismatch | |
PHP2439 | OverrideMismatch | |
PHP2440 | OverridingFinal |
Compatibility Group#
id | title | description |
PHP6403 | Deprecated construct | Deprecated type, function or constant |
PHP6404 | Not defined in target runtime | There is no definition in current version of your runtime. Update to a version that supports it. |
PHP6405 | Removed | The definition has been removed. Do not use it anymore. |
PHP6406 | UserDeprecated | |
PHP6407 | PHP4-style constructor is deprecated | PHP 4 style constructors (methods that have the same name as the class they are defined in) are deprecated, and will be removed in the future. PHP 7 will emit E_DEPRECATED if a PHP 4 constructor is the only constructor defined within a class. Classes that implement a __construct() method are unaffected. |
PHP6408 | ResourceConstant |
id | title | description |
PHP6402 | Future primitive type | |
PHP6409 | ArrayConstant |
id | title | description |
PHP6401 | Unsupported construct |
PhpDoc Group#
id | title | description |
PHP6501 | PHPDocTagUseInstead | |
PHP6502 | PHPDocTagUseInstead | |
PHP6503 | PHPDocTagUseInstead | |
PHP6504 | PHPDocTypeSuggestion | |
PHP6506 | PHPDocNotFullyQualifiedTypeName | |
PHP6510 | SuggestTagInstead |
id | title | description |
PHP6505 | PHPDocInvalidTypeUsed | |
PHP6507 | MissingVariableName | |
PHP6508 | UnknownParameterName | |
PHP6509 | InvalidExtendsImplementsType |
Outlining Group#
id | title | description |
PHP6550 | #region missing | There is #endregion tag without a starting #region tag. |
PHP6551 | #endregion missing | A #region tag denotating a collapsible block is not closed with a corresponding #endregion . |
Suggestion Group#
id | title | description |
PHP6610 | UnnecessaryReadOnly | |
PHP6611 | WrongModifiersOrder | |
PHP6612 | MissingVisibilityModifier |
id | title | description |
PHP6601 | Name can be simplified | The name can be written in a shorter or simpler form. |
PHP6602 | MagicMethodField | The property will be handled with magic __get or __set function. It may be unintentional, because it is not declared with @property annotation while other properties are. |
PHP6603 | TraitExpectsParent | |
PHP6604 | WrongStringConcat | |
PHP6605 | OverrideIgnoredOnPrivateMethod | |
PHP6606 | ClassConstViaChild | |
PHP6607 | EnumereeUsedAsValue | |
PHP6608 | PseudoConstOutOfContext |
id | title | description |
PHP6609 | PsrClassNameMismatch |